ServiceNow Automated Test Framework Changes

ServiceNow Automated Test Framework Changes
Automated Test Framework, from every release, since, It was started, it expands capabilities of this tool. 
Benefits of Automated Test Framework
  1. Create test Suites for organizing and Running tests in batches.
  2. Schedule Test suite Runs.
  3. Decrease custom test steps for expanding test coverage.
  4. Start test design time, that is by copying quick start tests and best test suites.
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You can see the framework changes below.
Parallel Testing and Mutual Exclusive Tests
In old Releases, ATF will run effectively, on a single thread of testing. When there is queue of tests, the next test will run on system. If it needs, a client sidestep.
The next upcoming client-side runner would take it up. With New York release, testing will run in parallel. When running big suites, tests will in parallel until the testing consumes, roughly half of the resources of Instance.
This does not Apply, the automated testing design principles of isolating them, to run them independently. Which is more critical, the system automatically, designed in mutual exclusion, rules, when the tests were acting on same record.
The developer has some control over this. Tests will Identify, certain sets of tests, which are mutually exclusive. Which will avoid them from running at it, which avoid them from running, at the same and equal time?
Create a User Test Step
Many, ATF tests start, began with a step in which, the test imitated a user on the system. With Roles and groups to test. As of New York, that strategy has been deprecated, in favor of utilizing the design user test step.
Create a User Test Sequence, for asking for last and first time, name, roles, and groups for user. It transparently handles all other details. This allows for best isolation, of tests from data of system.
In the past, If the user Impersonated for test had roles modified on system. It may break tests. Now tests, designed with creating user steps, which are Independent of the data that exist on system.
When the user is designed, by test step, that record is available, to further steps. With Data, pill picker. If you need to design, a record or use data of the newly designed user, they available to rest of test.
Roll Back In browser Sessions
There is no change, to the way rollback happens in New York when activity recorded from client-side test runner to roll backward. It is very important, that you do not do any type of modification to system, during the period from same browser session.
That your client-side, test is operating from, these modifications were brought in point to speed up test execution.
When progressing, the activity that came from the test frame, the system have to wait for the end. It is because the page may be very refreshing itself.
All activity is recorded for complete roll back from the session. The system has to wait for completion of it because the page may be refreshing by itself.
Now every activity is recorded for rollback from the session, whether it came with test runner.
Total, this is a positive change to increase, the speed at which tests operate, which guide you out in proportion to many numbers of tests, that have to Run. 
When you are developing, however be sure not to initiate from browser and session. The test runner is executing a test, or you will get behavior, you do not like every time running the client-side, test runner, from an Incognito window, will be pretty good and best practice.
Attachment Test Steps
Some functionality, of system needs that an. attachment exists Like a business rule that enforces that an attachment exists before, a record can modify the state.
This functionality is easier for testing, there we have two flavors, of this, and one that uploads with form for UI depended on client-based side test. One uses the server API to upload.
In another strategy, the test will wait for some attachment, for uploading before, the test proceeds, to next and upcoming steps.
With every release, the amount of operating system logic, that tested by ATF Increase. Whether testing for basic system operation, at upgrade schedule or by using ATF, that actively develops become a professional learn Servicenow training


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